We help you with ...
Advancing your professional career
Need more education? We'll help you with relevant courses, education or networking, so you can take your career up and above.
Ensure good working conditions
We ensure that your employer complies with collective agreements and secures the best working conditions for you.
Getting back on your feet
In case of sickness, leave or firing, we'll help you get back on your feet and make sure you find a meaningful job.

Legal Counseling
The Labor Market Department provides prompt guidance on work-related matters, covering topics such as employment, contracts, terminations, illness, or workplace injuries.
Marine engineers function as both leaders and employees, and we offer individual legal and financial advice on all aspects of salary and working conditions. The association’s board negotiates, terminates, and also enters into numerous collective agreements on behalf of the members. Many tasks are carried out in close collaboration with spokespersons, industry councils, and other representatives.
As a general rule, your working life is subject to applicable legislation, agreements, and individual negotiations. We provide advice and guidance primarily on legal matters.
Career Guidance
As a marine engineer, you can rightly take pride in your education, profession, and work. You are likely employed in a rapidly evolving field.
But where are you really headed in your career – in your professional life?
We can all have periods where we might be a bit uncertain or, conversely, convinced that it’s time to move forward. Therefore, it’s important to consider your career throughout your life.
If you’re facing challenges with an application, CV, your LinkedIn profile, or perhaps you’ve just hit a bit of a plateau in your current job, feel free to reach out to us for some career guidance.

Contact us today
Collective Agreements
Become a member
We are ready to assist you with advice and legal support, for example, in salary and contract negotiations, and we provide guidance for your career advancement.
If you wish to become a member of the association, you must be actively employed. You are considered actively employed from the time you graduate until you retire or reach pension age.
The cost of membership for actively employed individuals is DKK 630, quarterly.
- Skriv tekst ang. procedure for indmeldelse her – skal SNL, JFN og HDP blive enige om. SNL skriver tekst
- Indmeldelsesformular (digital indmeldelsesblanket – skal denne laves?)
Become a member

We are ready to assist you with advice and legal support, for example, in salary and contract negotiations, and we provide guidance for your career advancement.
If you wish to become a member of the association, you must be actively employed. You are considered actively employed from the time you graduate until you retire or reach pension age.
The cost of membership for actively employed individuals is DKK 585, quarterly.
- Skriv tekst ang. procedure for indmeldelse her – skal SNL, JFN og HDP blive enige om. SNL skriver tekst
- Indmeldelsesformular (digital indmeldelsesblanket – skal denne laves?)
About THE danish engineers association
The Danish Engineers’ Association is an organization for more than 14,000 technical leaders, dual officers, and technical managers offshore, who have been educated at a marine engineering school or a maritime training center.
Marine engineers work in various industries, including production and manufacturing companies, power plants, purification facilities, and energy supply companies, as well as in offshore wind, oil, or gas production. They may also be employed as technical managers in hospitals and other larger building complexes, develop energy efficiency both on land and at sea, or engage in service, trade, and consulting.
Externally, we represent our members’ interests nationally and internationally through collaboration with a wide range of organizations and by being represented in councils, boards, and committees that influence matters related to the work of marine engineers. The association is politically neutral and financially independent.
The Danish Engineers’ Association was founded in 1873 and is located at Sankt Annæ Plads 16 in Copenhagen.
Do you want to put a face on the people behind your support – then you can see the secretariat here.